Res Gestae Divi Augusti, The Achievements Of The Divine Augustus
Res Gestae Dıvı Augusti, which copied and written down bronze tablets after Augustus’ death, opens not only the expression of the rememberence of a man, Octavian Augustus, but also; shows us a cross-section of Roman history which begins with last century of the Roman Republic to Early Roman Empire.1 Augustus himself was a product of chaotic history of the last century of Roman Republic and his words actually give us the nature of that area. The last century of the Roman Republic was in many respects a determining era in Rome’s history: not only because it was a period when, to quota Appian, ‘’violence ruled everything’’, the fate of the men and of the res publica, but also because it was a time when traditional values were collapsing, left behind by new new attitudies of mind and a desire for new standards of living.2 Before starting the analysis the Res Gestae Divi Augusti in this article, to talk about the document itself by asking questions to it will be helpful for understanding the nature and the content of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti. First of all, by answering the questions which are how was Res Gestae Divi Augusti comprised and how did the text itself come today is forming our first step. Augustus, when he died on 19 August AD 14, he left behind him four documents and those...
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